With the warm weather I started getting the outdoor decorating bug. I wanted to spend time outdoors but HATED our patio. Old ugly iron table wasn't working for me, I had dreams of relaxing on a sectional patio reading stories to my girls and cuddling with my family. Searched hi and lo for something that was in my price range that wasn't insanely ugly. After much debate we settled on this Sandhill 7 piece sectional from
We love it. Its comfortable, assembled easily and seems to work in the space. They included 3 neutral lumber pillows but wanted some color so started looking for some fun pillows. Couldn't seem to find anything in the store that I liked or even coordinated very well. So being the DIY chick and garage sale addict I am realized, sew them woman! Ordered some cute fabric from
fabric.com (whom I adore, so much fabric candy there) and between a couple of garage sale outdoor pillows for guts, tada! All the pillows with fabric set me back about $35. Not bad considering I could have bought just 2 from any retail store. BTW- Make sure you use outdoor foam or inserts for your pillows. If you use regular throw pillows they will mold inside. You can find these at any fabric store for about $5 a piece on sale.
Richloom Solarium Solar Outdoor Cherry
Richloom Solarium Outdoor Sahalie Garden
Richloom Solarium Outdoor Zinger Kiwi
Oh, and to make sure this beauty lasts, I picked up some of this Thompsons WaterSeal Fabric Seal to hopefully keep the colors bright and waterproof. This stuff is different than regular scotch guard and has UV protectant in it. Only place I could find it was at Lowes and ran about $8.